Eric Elofson produced and edited this piece with Barrister Amal Clooney as part of his work with Revolution Messaging. Amal Clooney was counsel to Khadija Ismayilova, and within a day of releasing the video and putting public pressure on the government of Azerbaijan, Khadija was released.
Melinda Gates - Time Poverty
Eric Elofson produced and edited this short video as part of his work with Revolution Messagingfor the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's annual letter.
Rape Culture 101
Eric produced and animated this television commercial for the women's rights group Ultraviolet as part of his work with Revolution Messaging.
Bernie Sanders - Democratic National Convention
Eric Elofson produced this video for the Democratic National Convention's introduction of Bernie Sanders as interim Creative Director at Revolution Messaging.
Stock - commercial
Eric Elofson directed this commercial for a local Seattle Restaurant, Stock.
We Won't Go Back
Eric Elofson directed this television commercial for the women's rights group Ultraviolet as part of his work with Revolution Messaging.
UV #Goodell Must Go Press highlights
Guns Everywhere
Eric Elofson produced and animated this TV commercial for the gun violence prevention group Americans for Responsible Solutions as part of his work with Revolution Messaging.
Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders - West Coast Tour
On The Road in Seattle | Bernie SandersWe began this campaign all of three and a half months ago and the momentum has been nothing less than extraordinary!
Posted by Bernie Sanders on Monday, August 17, 2015
Eric Elofson edited this web video and filmed some of the behind the scenes footage of Senator Bernie Sanders on his tour through the West Coast during his 2016 Presidential campaign, as part of his work with Revolution Messaging.
The Cost of Campus Rape
Eric Elofson produced and animated this web video for the women's rights group Ultraviolet as part of his work with Revolution Messaging.
Abortion Myths v. Facts
Eric Elofson created this animated commercial which aired during the premiere of the Late Show with Stephen Colbert. It was created for the women's rights group Ultraviolet as part of his work with Revolution Messaging.
Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: In-depth Explanation of Income Inequality
Bernie Sanders: In-Depth Explanation of Income InequalityLet me tell you something about our country that the billionaire class doesn’t want you to know...
Posted by Bernie Sanders on Monday, September 14, 2015
Eric Elofson animated this comprehensive video explaining income inequality for Vermont Senator and Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders as part of his work with Revolution Messaging. It garnered over 7.6 million views on Facebook.
Maryland State Education Association MDAppleBallot Guide
Eric Elofson Produced and Directed this voting guide for the Maryland State Education Association.
Consent Porn
An informational PSA created for UltraViolet action about the importance of sexual consent, as part of my work for Revolution Messaging.
PreyDay Lenders
An animated infographic created in After Effects for the Daylight Foundation as part of my work for Revolution Messaging.